What if you had classes where no one gave a sheet?

What if you had classes where no one gave a sheet?  

Going paperless is great if there is a reason behind it. Substituting paper for a computer is just the start. It saves on paper, but does it improve learning? 

My school district has rolled out the SAMR model concurrently, while continuing to expand is 1:1 Chromebook program across the district. 

What is SAMR and how does learning this help with the Chromebook program?

According to Kathy Schrock, "SAMR is a model designed to help educators infuse technology into teaching and learning. Popularized by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, the model supports and enables teachers to design, develop, and infuse digital learning experiences that utilize technology." 

My biggest challenge is two-fold and this is where I need your help! 

  1. How do I get teachers to become confident enough to stretch their learning; to feel comfortable to move across the SAMR model beyond substitution?
  2. How do I teach teachers to troubleshoot when things don't go as planned?
I have found that those are the two biggest hurdles to enriching a learning environment when introducing devices to the classroom. Any and all advice is welcome. Please comment on this page. Have a great day. Looking forward to hearing your advice, web links, and thanks again for being my PLN. 


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