Stop Motion Animation w Google Slides

This past week I was tasked with coming up with a way for students to create a short 30-second video project for reviewing some math concepts for end-of-year testing. We previously completed projects using Flipgrid, ReCap, Screencastify and Google Slide in a traditional presentation mode. I decided that stop-motion may be a fun alternative presentation project. I played around a bit with a stop-motion animation app on the Chromebook and then remembered +Eric Curts presentation about Google Slides being used as Stop-Motion.

I made a tutorial for the students by focusing on basic transportation, thinking the movement of transportation would be good to show the students. I started with a storyboard concept and duplicated the background in all the slides 30 times first. I picked thirty slides knowing that my default will be one second per slide when I publish.
UPDATE: May 22, 2017 - After speaking with several colleagues, I have been told that copying one slide at a time (instead of my 30 on the video) is much better. So, try it!

It's always good to pick pictures or clip art that has the universal transparency checker board (searching filename: png helps) as the background so it doesn't show up in the slideshow. I picked two planes that had somewhat side views and found a Remax balloon as well as a boat to complete my tutorial.

After I completed inserting the pictures, I copied and pasted them to new slides with a bit of movement or advancement in each slide.

Once I was happy with the movement, I published the slides to show the stop motion movement. When publishing, make sure to check one second as your default. If you would like it faster, find the 1000 mark on your address bar and reduce it. 1000 = 1 second. So, 500 will equal 1/2 second. 100 = 1/10th of a second. By playing around with the settings, you'll get the hang of timing pretty quickly.

I hope you find the attached YouTube tutorial helpful. In general, I think it went well. Hopefully, I will become more proficient at this and confident enough to produce more creative outlets like this.


  1. When you publish at 1 second per frame, you can delete a zero from the end of the 1000 in the link and it will speed up the finished product.


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