
Showing posts from February, 2018

Community Relations, Facebook and EdTech

I am enrolled in the James Madison Ed. Leadership program to obtain my administrative license and this semester I am taking the Community Relations class. I interviewed my administration to discuss a potential community relations projects. From that conversation, I volunteered to take on the school Facebook page to create a better social media presence. My principal liked the idea and believes that Facebook is heavily used as a source of news and information in the Staunton River zone of Bedford County. I put into place three main ideas. I will post a Thought for the Day which will include famous inspirational quotes, thoughts on volunteering for the school, as well as local announcements.  I will use FlipGrid to record prompts from both teachers and students. I will infuse technology either by embedding it into the site or promoting all the wonderful technology infused/inspired lessons that are happening in classes.  How is it so far? I am about one month in a...